
2015 was the best yet worst year of my life. It has been a rollercoaster ride. 2015 brought me a lot of awesome thing. Unfortunately not everything can be good. This past year I have undergone test after test, multiple surgeries and operations, had and continue to have countless nights in the hospital. I’d like to think that I have a New Year resolution but in reality I don’t. I don’t like to set myself up for failure. Every year I seem to make resolutions that I just can’t achieve. Maybe resolutions aren’t realistic but they could be… I could say I’m going to try and eat less junk food instead of no carbs, sugars, or fats. I could say I’m going to try and smile more instead of saying that I’m going to stop getting angry. There are so many reasonable resolutions but people like to reach for something that they probably won’t achieve. GUILTY ✋. Most people expect to much from themselves, we always have to be better or get more done. If there is one thing I learned from this year it’s that I have to cut myself some slack. I need to stop putting so much on my plate. It’s okay to sit back and relax. Those errands, laundry, dishes, and shopping can wait. It’s okay. I’m not going to say what my resolution is because I can’t think of one. We should be improving and trying to grow every day not just because it’s a New Year.